Worship Schedule & Locations

Sunday Services

St. James’, Waimea

7:30 and 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist

Each service is held inside the historic church. The early service is quieter and more contemplative; the later service includes music. Both offer preaching that relates the Gospel to today’s questions and a warm aloha waiting for you.

The 9:30AM service is recorded and streamed live online at Worship Online

Nursery for babies and toddlers and Godly Play for ages 3-12, interactive storytelling that makes Bible stories come alive for the keiki.

St. Columba’s, Pa‘auilo 

9:30 AM Holy Eucharist,

If you have not been to Pa’auilo, you are in for a treat! On the lush tropical side of the island overlooking the ocean, St. Columba’s is a chapel of St. James’ that offers engaging preaching of the Gospel, organ music, and a warm aloha for all.

This service is also recorded and streamed live online and can be viewed on their webpage, Stcolumbahawaii and on their own Vimeo channel.

Saturday Beach Service

Beach Mass

Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor

20.039588, -155.831267

5:00 PM Saturday

Join us for our “Service on the Sand” on the beach at Kawaihae Harbor in front of the Canoe Club (next to the boat ramp), including engaging preaching, ‘ukulele music, and a warm aloha for all. Bring a beach chair or towel and an umbrella for rain or sun. Stay around and watch the sunset! The 5 PM Saturday service is recorded and streamed live online at Worship Online


In the event of inclement weather and there is a question of whether or not the services will be cancelled, a message will be placed on the parish answering machine (808-885-4923) and on the front page of our FaceBook Page.

Weekday Services

Morning Prayer, Online

9:00 AM Monday through Saturday

Also known as Matins, this is one of the two main Daily Offices (morning & night worship) in the Episcopal church. One of the beautiful aspects of Morning and Evening Prayer is that as you pray the office, you are praying it with thousands of people around the world who are also engaged in these same or similar prayers. Our service of Morning Prayer is recorded and streamed live online at Worship Online


To pray the daily office, either morning or evening prayer, click here. It is a wonderful way to read through much of the Bible on a two-year cycle and say your prayers with others around the world who are also praying the offices 

Wednesday Eucharist, St. James’, Waimea

Noon Wednesday

A brief (30-minute) spoken service with Communion is held inside the historic church.

Parish Calendar

Have a look at our calendar to see a schedule of all of our events.

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