
We welcome you to join us in other opportunities for exploring the meaning of the Gospel, the resources of the Christian tradition and the challenges of the Christian vocation in a rapidly changing world.

Holy Eucharist at St. James Church

The Eucharist (sometimes called Mass, Holy Communion or the Great Thanksgiving) is a sacrament of the Church. The Church teaches that this means God makes Grace manifest to us in the actions we take. In sharing bread and wine in the manner that Jesus taught, we understand that we are in his presence —strengthened for God’s work in the world, nurtured in God’s love, with God’s healing and forgiveness available to us.


In the Anglican Communion we often use a document called the Book of Common Prayer to order our worship. It contains texts authorized by the Church for public worship. The current prayer book was issued in 1979, and is the primary source material of worship at St. James’. We may also draw on materials from other religious and spiritual traditions, along with prayers, music, hula and chant developed here.


Our principal service is at 9 AM Sunday. We also have a “quiet” 7:30 AM Sunday service without music and a less formal “Beach Mass” with ukulele and simple hymns at 5 PM Saturday at Kawaihae Harbor. We attempt to create an atmosphere that is prayerful, reverent and both familiar and spiritually challenging. 

Inquirers Class

Are you are new to St. James’ Episcopal Congregations or to all things Episcopal? Or do you simply seek to understand your faith more deeply? An Inquirer’s Class is a course open to all who want a more thorough grounding in the Christian faith. It will also prepare you to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Contact the parish office for more information.

Bible Studies

Men's Bible Study meets the third Friday of every month at the church from 7:30 to 8:30am, facilitated by Joe Bollinger and Eric Savage. All are welcome — the coffee will be waiting for you! We use the "Track 1" readings from Scripture appointed for the day in the Revised Common Lectionary, if you want to see what will be discussed each session.

Women’s Bible Study meets the first Friday of every month in the church for an in-depth study of the women of the Bible and the ways in which they continue to impact our lives in today’s changing world. All women are invited to join the group. No prior knowledge of the Bible is necessary. Bring your friends and join the fun! Led by the Rev. Marnie Keator.

Education for Ministry (EfM)

St. James’ is a longtime host of Education for Ministry (EfM), which provides lay persons with a comprehensive theological education. A program of the School of Theology of the University of the South, EfM offers theological reflection and college-level instruction in the core curriculum of the seminary in four academic years: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, and Theology. Students sign up for EfM one year at time with summers off. Contact the parish office for more information.

Advent and Lenten Studies

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we meet on Wednesday evenings for a beautiful and contemplative Evensong, followed by a light supper of soup and bread. During our meal, we enjoy a pertinent teaching from different voices, either in person or by video. The evening ends with prayer at 8:30 pm. See the parish newsletter for the current schedule.