Thanks to the generous help of donors and technical volunteers, we have greatly expanded our offering of live-streamed and recorded services to connect with shut-ins, those recovering from illness or surgery, and those individuals and families who are off-island. We are grateful that all may have the opportunity to join us in prayer and worship at the time and place of their choosing. All are welcome at our virtual Lord’s Table, just as they are at the table set in person each Saturday and Sunday.
To view past recorded services, you may CLICK HERE or scroll through the drop-down menu in the upper left of the player below.
In the event that our player is not working on this page. You may find us on our other streaming platforms either live or recorded.
St. James' 5:00PM Saturday Beach Mass and St. James' Sunday 9:30AM service can be found on our Facebook, Vimeo and YouTube channels.
Our 9:30 AM Sunday worship service at St. Columba’s in Pa‘auilo is streamed live and recorded. It can be viewed on their webpage, Stcolumbahawaii and on their own Vimeo channel.
Our 9:00 AM Morning Prayer services, Monday through Saturday, are also streamed live on Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube channels
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