Food Pantry

St. James’ supports the great work of our church neighbor, Annunciation Catholic Church, distributing food each week that feeds several hundreds in our community.

Annunciation’s food pantry is open Tuesdays from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM, coordinated by Maile Lincoln. Before the coronavirus pandemic, the pantry was already serving over 200 families each month, with the need always increasing in the summer. Whether it’s one can or a 100-pound bag of rice, your kōkua is very much appreciated.

Donations may be brought directly to Annunciation on Sunday mornings. Food items that are always needed: canned goods (tuna, chicken, Spam, green beans, tomatoes, peas, corn, pineapple, peaches, spaghetti sauce with or without meat, spaghetti pasta (dry not canned), ramen, rice and Cheerios. 

For more information on Annunciation Catholic Church’s Food Pantry, call Annunciation at (808) 887-1220. You may also CLICK HERE for a contact page that will allow you to email the church.

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